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Different Types of Vag Lips Pictures

What is that pimple like bump in pubic area? The appearance of a bump on the skin will often vary depending on what the underlying cause of the bump is. Some might be small and painless while others are large, itchy and painful.

This article offers an insight into what causes bump on pubic area in both males and females,  their symptoms, and how you can relieve, soothe and get rid of the pimples, lumps, bumps, and cysts in your groin area.

Pimple like bump in groin area

From time to time, it is not uncommon for you to develop a bump or a lump around the groin area. Your groin area is the part of the bod between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the pubic bone. Bumps, pimple or lumps in this area can occur in both males and female.

Most of the time these bumps can be nothing but in other cases, they can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. There are two types of a pimple like bumps on groin you cannot ignore: contagious bumps and cancerous bumps.

A cancerous pimple on groin will continue to grow, making it very serious if not treated early.  A cancerous bump on groin can be shown by the following signs:

A- Asymmetry, the bump is not the same on both sides

B- Borders the outline of the bump is rigid or uneven

C- Color, the color of the bump keeps changing over time

D- Diameter of the bump ranges between ¼ inch and 5mm

E- Evolution, the bump started off as a pimple and keep growing in size

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Causes of pimple like bumps in pubic area

1. Genital Herpes Sores

Genital herpes is a viral infection that causes painful genital sores. The sores are highly contagious and often causes recurrent outbreak. Genital herpes can be shown by the following symptoms:

  • Small blisters on thighs and buttocks
  • Red, open sores around your pubic area
  • Vaginal discharge in males
  • Aches, pain, and flu-like symptoms

2. STDs bumps

Sexual contact is a common cause of bumps around the pubic area. Common such infections are herpes simplex and human papillomavirus. STDs cause small bumps that often appear in clusters, they are fleshy and not always painful unless infected.

3. Acne on pubic area

Acne is a long-term skin disease that occurs when your skin pores are clogged. Acne on pubic area can be characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. This skin condition primarily affects the part of the skin with an increased number of oil glands.

Acne can be triggered by hormonal changes, emotional stress, and certain medications, genetic and environmental factors.

4. Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction which is your immune systems ways of responding to foreign bodies can also cause skin bumps that range from very small pimples to large painful bumps. Allergic bumps on skin are often accompanied by redness and swelling.

Allergic eczema is one of the common cause of red, itchy, skin rash that may consist of red, raised bumps that ooze, drain and crust.

5. Staph infection pimple like bumps

Boils and abscess which are swollen, red, painful lump are bumps caused by staph infection on the hair follicles. Staph infections are bacterial infections, it is a very contagious infection that can spread through close physical contact.

7. Heat rush bumps

Heat rash or prickly heat is an inflammation of the skin with a rash of small vesicles common in most weathers.  In children, this rash can be caused by wearing a wet diaper for long hours.

The rash develops when blocked skin pores trap perspiration under the skin, symptoms may range from superficial blisters to deep, red bumps. The rash is known to cause intense itching.

Harmless pimple like bump in pubic area

Not all spots and bumps occurring on your pubic area are serious. It is also possible for you to have harmless bumps on this part of the body. This bumps can clear on their own with or without treatment. Common such bumps in both males and females will include the following:

1. Angiomas

Angiomas are harmless small bumps formed by an accumulation of blood vessels. These bumps can either be slightly purple or bright red in color. They do not enlarge or bleed and in most cases, no treatment is required.

2. Mollusca bumps

Mollusca is sexually transmitted viral infection bumps. The bumps can also spread from one person to the other by sharing towel and clothes. In most people, only about 10-20 bumps can be seen. Those with weak or compromised immune system might have more than this.

3. Cysts on pubic area

A cyst is a yellowish round lump that often develops under the skin. The lump often feels like a small ball that easily moves around. In rare cases, the bump may enlarge but in most cases, they do not cause any problem.

Cysts are caused by blocking and clogging of the hair follicles.  Unless they are infected, no treatment is required for these kinds of bumps.


The appearance of a bump on your pubic area will often vary depending on what the underlying cause is. Most bumps will show the following symptoms:

a) A hard pimple like bump on pubic area

A hard bump can either be raised or occur under the skin. Most are often painless and can clear without treatment. For hard cyst under skin and benign growths, a simple warm compress can help bring out the head making it easy to get rid of them.

Though rare, a hard bump under skin can also be cancerous. In such a case, the bump is slow growing, irregular in shape and in most cases painless.  If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned, we recommend you have the bump checked out as soon as possible

b) a small pimple like bumps on pubic area

Small pimple bumps are common and in most cases harmless. In children, this bumps can be caused by a diaper rash which is common if your kid spends a lot of time without changing the diaper.

The small pimples can also be s sign of acne or an allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis. The bumps might be itchy, red, irritating painful or in contagious in some cases.

Simple remedies like applying Aloe Vera gel, tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar will help relieve the itching and soothe the inflammation. A simple cold compress can also work for itchy small bumps. See your dermatologist if the bumps become bothersome or they fail to go away.

c) Red bumps on pubic area male

A red pimple like bump on your left or right inner thigh in crotch area, that is painless or do not itch can be a sign of genital human papillomavirus. These kinds of bumps will discharge pus when pooped and they won't go away.

d) Itchy bumps on vag lips

Itchy bumps on vagina lips are like to occur after shaving. This can be as a result of damaging your skin, inflammation of the hair follicles or irritation from the shaving cream.

Vagina bumps can also be a sign of sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes, genital warts or even a yeast infection caused by poor hygiene and excessive use of antibiotics.

Pimple like bumps on pubic area in female, Pimple on vagina lips,

Can you get pimple on vag lips? Vaginal pimples are rarely serious. Most are harmless and can result from simple activities like shaving your pubic area. Other common cause of pubic area bumps and pimples will include the following.

1. Skin tag on vagina

Skin tags in females can look like pimples but they are just small harmless flaps. They can, however, be irritating, we recommend you have your doctor get rid of them.

2. Folliculitis and Pimples on vag after shaving

Folliculitis in the genital area can result from bacterial infection or damage to the hair follicles. Shaving your pubic hair is one of the possible causes of folliculitis. After shaving, when our hair starts to grow out of the follicles, it may curl back toward the skin leading to irritation.

In other cases, the hair may grow back as ingrown hair bumps. When shaving, the roughness of the razor on the vaginal lips can cause razor bumps, painful fluid-filled blisters, and small red pimples.

3. Contact dermatitis

Pimple on vagina lips might result from a reaction of your skin to smoothing it comes in contact with. This is known as contact dermatitis and might result from deodorants, lotions, douching, topical medication or laundry detergent.

Any irritation of the vaginal lips might result in itchy pimples on skin.

4. Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)

Also referred to as acne inverse, hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic infection of the sweat glands. The condition is characterized by pimple like lesion around the body. Currently, the cause of this disease is unknown, there are treatments, but no cure for HS.

5. Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection that can cause small pimples all over the body including on the pubic area in both males and females. They are harmless, for that treatment is not always needed, however, the condition can be treated with topical and oral medication.

6. Yeast infection bumps

Yeast infection bumps are raised fluid-filled pimple like bumps caused by candida infection on skin. Vaginal yeast infection can also cause swelling of the labia minora and labia majora. The infection also causes redness, itching, and irritation of the affected skin.

This bumps can occur as a result of poor personal hygiene. They common on parts of the skin that area moist and keeps rubbing. This include on your buttocks, inner thighs, groin, under breast, and in armpits.

7. Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a disease characterized by painful blisters in the genital area. It is caused by herpes simplex virus. It can cause lesions that look like pimples. The pimples can appear around the vagina, vulva and around anus.

8. Genital warts

Genital warts are often mistaken for pimples. You can have a cluster of wart or a single wart on skin. These bumps are caused by human papillomavirus a common sexually transmitted infection. When these are the bumps on vaginal lips, your doctor will prescribe the right treatment to get rid of warts.

8. Pimple caused by hormonal fluctuations

In females, vaginal bumps will often flare up just before menstrual cycle, after the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. The bumps can be red, itchy, and very painful at times. Hormonal fluctuation is often the main trigger.

Fungal or yeast infection bumps are also common in women as this area of the body is often moist and has better grounds for the growth of yeast and harmful bacteria. Though these bumps are harmless, some might be sign of serious underlying conditions.

How to manage pimple like bump in pubic area

Managing and getting rid of bumps on pubic area will often vary depending on what the underlying cause of the bump is. For acne pimples on skin, acne medication is often prescribed other options includes:

Antivirals and antibiotic medication which can be in form of oral pills, topical creams or injections are used for viral and bacterial infections causing the bumps respectively. The form the medication is given in will depend on the severity of the infection.

Antifungal topical creams can be used to soothe the itching and relieve the inflammation of the pimples on your pubic area.

In severe cases such as when the bumps are large and very painful, surgical procedure or laser therapy may be prescribed to get rid of the bumps.  This is common in cases of genital warts, molluscum contagiosum and large cyst under skin.

How to get rid of pimple around pubic area, remedies

Proper medical diagnosis is recommended for pimple on pubic area that fails to heal or go away. Treating the underlying cause of the bump is the best way to get rid of the spots, prevent complications, and stop them from spreading to other parts of the body.

Some of the effective natural remedies you can use at home to relieve, soothe and get rid of the pimples fast include the following:

  1. Applying aloe Vera gel to soothe itchy bumps and pimples around your groin. Aloe Vera is a great anti-inflammatory and anti-itching remedy, apply the gel might help relieve the itching and inflammation making the bumps more bearable
  2. Applying a warm compress on large painful bumps. This remedy works by increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to the affected area, this speedup up the healing of an infected pimple, relieve pain and swelling of the bump.
  3. A cold compress, on the other hand, works by restricting and numbing the swollen area of skin affected by a bump or pimple. This can help reduce swelling, soothing itching and relieve the pain.
  4. Aspirin paste is the other remedy you can use on painful, infected pimples n skin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid that can dry up an infected pimple and relieve swelling.
  5. Other great natural remedies you can use at home are witch hazel oil, lemon juice, raw honey and natural yogurt for yeast bumps on your pubic area.

See Also:

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  1. Why do vaginal pimples form?
  2. Genital bumps & lumps, when to seek medical attention:
  3. Doctors insights on itchy pimple like bumps on genital area:
  4. Rashes, bumps, and lumps:
  5. How to get rid of boils on inner thighs:

Different Types of Vag Lips Pictures
